PHLP Joins Advocates in Making Recommendations for Post-COVID Medicaid Operations

Recent data show that a record 3.3 million Pennsylvanians are currently enrolled in Medicaid, also known as Medical Assistance in Pennsylvania. The data further show that nearly 500,000 of these Medicaid enrollees will be at risk of termination of their health care benefits once the federal Public Health Emergency (PHE) is ended, which is expected as soon as January 2022.
Today, PHLP joined Community Legal Services, Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children, Pennsylvania Health Access Network, and Benefits Data Trust in sending a letter to Acting DHS Secretary Meg Snead that gives a voice to the thousands of Pennsylvanians who will be impacted by the end of the PHE. The letter details our concerns about the end of the PHE and offers a set of recommended actions DHS can take both now and when the PHE ends to ensure that as many people as possible remain connected to health care.
Read the full letter here.