Pennsylvania Seeking Feedback for Master Plan on Aging and Disabilities

At the end of May, Governor Shapiro signed an Executive Order authorizing Pennsylvania’s development of a Master Plan for Older Adults and People with Disabilities. The Master Plan is expected to provide a strategic framework for the next ten years to help Pennsylvania meet the needs of its growing older adult population and ensure that systems and services are in place to help people age in place and live as independently as possible.
The development of the Master Plan will involve a robust stakeholder and public engagement process. Feedback will be sought from people in every county across Pennsylvania. Stakeholders include, but are not limited to, older adults and people with disabilities living in Pennsylvania; their families; their caregivers; agencies and community-based organizations that serve them; housing and transportation entities; and government and legislative offices. Anyone wishing to provide input about the plan’s goals, objectives, and initiatives to help older adults and people with disabilities live as independently as possible with the highest qualify of life can do so by mail, email, or by completing a digital form. Click here for more information about submitting input.
The following Core Tenets apply to Pennsylvania’s development of its Master Plan:
- Transparency and inclusion involving significant stakeholder and public-facing engagement as well as a strong communication plan.
- Embed diversity, equity, and inclusion in all phases of development addressing disparities and promoting equity and inclusion regardless of a person’s age, gender and gender expression, sexual orientation, race, color, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, economic insecurity, geographic disparity, other marginalized populations not yet identified, and genetic information.
- Principles of person-centered planning valuing older Pennsylvanians and Pennsylvanians with disabilities holistically with careful consideration to each person’s unique needs and preferences.
- Creation of a living document that will evolve through the 10-year span of the plan based on the changing needs and preferences of older Pennsylvanians and Pennsylvanians with Disabilities.
- A reframing of how we think about, talk about, and value older adults and people with disabilities to recognize the momentum, experience, longevity, and wisdom of older adults and people with disabilities and how these individuals add energy, vitality, and possibility to Pennsylvania.
The Master Plan is expected to be published by early 2024. The Department will host two regional kickoff events in June – June 15th from 1pm-3pm in Philadelphia and June 22nd from 1pm-3pm in Altoona. Please click here for more details about these events as well as for more information about the Master Plan.