Pennsylvania Releases Aging Our Way PA, a Strategic Plan for Aging Pennsylvanians

On May 31, 2024, Governor Josh Shapiro and Pennsylvania Department of Aging Secretary Jason Kavulich announced the publication of Aging Our Way, PA. This 10-year strategic plan serves as a guide to help Pennsylvania meet the needs of more than 3 million older Pennsylvanians and help make sure they have the services and supports they need to live with dignity and independence. 

Aging Our Way, PA was developed and finalized in just over one year. In May 2023, Governor Shapiro signed an executive order calling for the development of this plan. The Pennsylvania Department of Aging quickly got to work on a robust stakeholder process to get input through listening sessions and public comment periods from older adults and people with disabilities as well as those who care for them, serve them, and advocate for them. More than 200 listening sessions were held across Pennsylvania and more than 20,000 comments were received and considered in the development of the final plan. The plan is expected to evolve and change as needed to meet the needs of Pennsylvania’s growing aging population.

The plan identifies the following five priority areas, and includes strategies and actions needed to address each one:

  • Unlocking Access: Designing and offering fair, affordable options and opportunities for all older adults to age in a healthy and active way, no matter what their situation is.
  • Aging in Community: Eliminating barriers so older adults can age in their own homes and communities while being comfortable living in familiar surroundings.
  • Gateways to Independence: Promoting safe, accessible, convenient transportation regardless of personal mobility.
  • Caregiver Supports: Building supports and resources so people who take care of others have the help, training, and rest that they need.  
  • Education & Navigation: Leading a network of community partners to promote services so that information about helpful services is easier for older adults to find.

The Governor requested $11.7 million in his proposed 2024-2025 budget to begin implementing Aging Our Way, PA and bolster existing programs. Budget negotiations are in progress as the June 30th end of the current state fiscal year approaches.

More information about Aging Our Way, PA can be found here.