Our Now: Our Latest Impact Report for April-June 2023

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Each quarter, we put together a report highlighting the impact and achievements of our staff over the last few months – achievements which, but for the support of our donors, we would not have been able to accomplish. 

We are so proud of the work of our staff, who serve hundreds of clients each quarter, while also getting out into the community to provide self-help materials and educational sessions to help empower Medicaid consumers and advocates. Taking what we learn from our individual cases, our staff also engage in policy advocacy to help advance health policies that promise the most to those in greatest need. 

In these pages, you will find a handful of client spotlights that show exactly what getting help from PHLP means to our clients. We've also shared some of our advocacy and policy wins over the past few months, and organizational announcements and other updates that show our donors and other supporters just how impactful their support is in helping to advance our mission. Please click the link above to read our latest impact report. 
PHLP provides all of its services free of charge. Your support makes our work possible.  Consider a tax exempt donation to PHLP today and help us continue making an impact in our community.