DHS Announces Redesigned ACCESS Card

Last month, the Department of Human Services (DHS) announced a redesign of the Medical Assistance (MA) ACCESS card.
The new card design features a white background with black lettering. The new design is intended to better resemble a commercial health insurance card. The new card will show the same information as the old yellow ACCESS cards (i.e. name, MA ID number, and card issue number) but will no longer have a magnetic strip or signature strip on the back. The redesigned cards will be released during summer 2020, although the exact date is not yet known.
It is important to note that only new MA beneficiaries (i.e., those getting their MA card for the first time), as well as those needing a replacement of a lost or stolen ACCESS card, will receive the newly designed ACCESS card. Existing MA beneficiaries will not receive a new card and should continue to use the old yellow ACCESS card.
As a reminder, people can request a new ACCESS card, if needed, by calling the Pennsylvania Customer Service Center at 1-877-395-8930.