2025 Increase to Personal Needs Allowance for Nursing Facility Residents

The Office of Long Term Living (OLTL) has announced an increase in the Personal Needs Allowance (PNA) amounts for individuals residing in long-term care facilities in 2025.

The PNA is a small amount of money that people living in long-term care facilities, like nursing homes, can keep each month. This money is set aside specifically for their personal expenses, such as buying clothes, toiletries, or other personal items.

The increased PNAs for 2025 are as follows:

  1. Long-Term Care Facility Residents: In 2025, the PNA for residents in long-term care (LTC) facilities has increased from $45.00 to $60.00 per month.
  2. State Veterans' Homes Residents: In 2025, the PNA for residents in state veterans’ homes has risen from $450.00 to $465.00 per month.
  3. SSI Recipients in LTC: SSI recipients in LTC who receive Medical Assistance (Medicaid) get a $60 deduction from their cost of care. They continue to receive $30 in SSI and will see their state-funded SSP increase from $15 to $22.10. This means they keep a total of $52.10 per month, with no cost of care expenses.
  4. ICF Residents with Sheltered Workshop Income: Individuals in an Intermediate Care Facility who earn income from a sheltered workshop will receive a graduated PNA deduction from their Cost of Care:
  • Earnings up to $50/month → $80 deduction
  • Earnings between $50.01–$90/month → $100 deduction
  • Earnings between $90.01–$150/month → $140 deduction
  • Earnings over $150/month → $140 plus 50% of the amount over $150.01 deducted

For further details on the Personal Needs Allowance (PNA) and the Supplemental Security Payment (SSP), refer to Chapter 468.3 of the LTC Handbook and Chapter 720 of the Supplemental Handbook.