Toll Free Helpline
We're here to help.
Our Helpline is open on Mondays and Wednesdays beginning at 8:00 AM EST.
Se habla español.
PHLP's Helpline is our central point of contact for individuals who need help resolving problems with Medicaid, such as coverage or services being stopped or reduced.
Through our Helpline, we offer high quality legal advice and assistance. There is no cost for our services. Due to limitations of staffing and scope of work, we are unable to help everyone who contacts us. Click here to see PHLP’s complaint policy. Scroll down for more information about the types of cases we do not handle and for common referrals.
If you are experiencing a problem with Medicaid benefits, please call our Helpline today to start our intake process.

“We are so pleased with what our PHLP lawyer has done for us. She took control of the conversation and told the insurance company exactly what we needed and why we needed it.”
What to Expect
When you contact us:
You'll be asked to leave a voicemail message with a short summary of the issue or problem you need help with, along with your name and phone number.
We'll call you back to learn more about your issue or problem, and to discuss how we might help you.
Keep all relevant documents close by, so we can talk about them and help you as quickly as possible. You may be asked to e-mail, fax, or mail documents to us in order for us to help you.
Let us know if you have a pending appeal with a hearing or grievance date already scheduled.
Be prepared to answer questions about yourself, your household and/or family members, income, demographics, health issues if any, and other questions that will help us understand your issue.
All calls are strictly confidential.
We can speak with you in your language.
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Cases we do not handle:
- Medicare appeals
- Private health insurance matters
- Special education or IEP issues
- Discrimination or accommodation matters
- Involuntary mental health commitments
- Enrolling in Medicare, Medicare Advantage plans, or Medigap coverage
- Social Security Disability (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) appeals or applications
- Medical malpractice
- Criminal matters
Below are some common referrals we may offer if we cannot help with your legal issue.
Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network (PLAN) operates a statewide network of county-based legal aid organizations that offer free legal help for a range of civil matters.
Pennsylvania Health Access Network (PHAN) helps with Medicaid and waiver applications, and assists consumers who need help purchasing insurance through
- PA Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service - Call 1-800-692-7375 to find a private attorney.
- Disability Rights Pennsylvania (DRP) provides help to individuals with disabilities who have problems or questions related to their disability. Call them at 1-800-692-7443.
- Public Defender’s offices provide representation in criminal matters.
- PA MEDI Medicare counselors are trained to help individuals understand Medicare eligibility, coverage, and benefits, including programs that help lower Medicare costs. Contact PA MEDI through your local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) using the AAA Locator, or call the PA MEDI Helpline at 1-800-783-7067.
- PALawHelp provides free self-help materials, answers to many civil legal questions, court information, and information and links to many social service & government agencies.
Call us today for free legal help.
Our Helpline is open on Mondays and Wednesdays beginning at 8:00 AM EST.
Helpline: 1-800-274-3258
If you are unable to call us for intake, please e-mail us at and we'll make arrangements to connect with you.